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FreshKit is a meal delivery service that allows users to set their food preferences and then receive automated deliveries of raw organic ingredients and recipes to their door every week.


My role was to design a part of this ecommerce website and create the homepage, product search, product details and checkout pages for this client.

FreshKit was looking to differentiate itself from the competition (Blue Apron, HelloFresh, Plated) by offering a new ecommerce service that would allow users to go onto a new website and purchase individual meals. FreshKit thinks that there is a gap in the market since many consumers don't want to commit to purchasing a certain number of meal kits every week for months at a time.


FreshKit is losing market share to larger competitors who have been aggressively marketing in its main territories. They hope that by allowing users to visit their website and order specific kits whenever they need them, they'll be able to create their own niche in the meal kit delivery space. The challenge is then : 

   1.  To create a website that lives on a subdomain of an existing one. Users who land on their main company homepage will be prompted to continue to either their traditional product or their new on-demand product.

  2.  To create filters. FreshKit would like their users to be able to search and filter by "most Popular" meals, as well as by allergies and Vegan/Vegetarian.

   3.   The flexibility of the service. Users should be able to choose how many of each item they want to order as well as how soon they want it delivered.

   4.  To set up meal suggestions matching consumer's preferences. On the product detail page they would like for there to be a block on the page that recommends similar meals based on whatever meal they have initially selected.

FreshKit wants to make a difference within the competition :


Since the additional design specifically concerns a subdomain of an existing site, it is primordial for the new elements to be perfectly integrated and to provide the same feel. Fonts, logo, colours, photographies etc must remain in impeccable harmony so the supplemental designs are not noticeable.


In order to succeed with the subdomain, it was crucial to picture personas and their expectations when using FreshKit. From there, four different profiles were drawn with peculiar wishes.

    1.  “The Busy Dad” (or more commonly the busy parent) represents a category of persons who want to cook healthy and family-friendly, they also want to be able to spend more quality time with the kids.

    2.  “The Hardworking Couple” speaks for people who do not have time for food shopping nor the cleaning time after dinner. However this category insists on cooking healthy and is subject to some specific diets.

    3.  “The Hesistant Prospect” defines the group of users willing to test the product potentials in a first place without any commitment in case they would not be satisfied. These people are wishing to get the opportunity to open their cooking spectrum and learn new food combinations.

    4.  “The Beginner” represents users having none or very little experience in cooking. They see FreshKit as an easy contingency to learn the basics quickly but also fit their budgets.


The journey maps tell the stories of the cooking experience lived by user by category on a regular day: from the preparation, through the cooking to the end of the meal and cleaning up. It gives an overview of the entire experience. What it always does is identify key interactions that the user has with the service. It talks about the user’s feelings, motivations and questions for each of these touch-points.

It provides a sense of the user’s greater motivation : what do they wish to achieve and what are their expectations of the service. Their final goal is the same : to learn from users to improve the experience.


The testimonies below are representative of each category and opportunities to treat within the new site's subdomain :


“I do like to cook for myself and others. I am curious about food kits as I would like to expand my personal menu”


“I do not like making dinner midweek, I’d rather spend my time playing with the kids”

“We don’t have time food shopping and making dinner, our schedules are too intense, It is a shame as we actually love cooking together.”


“One day I had to prepare dinner for my parents coming to visit my new flat. This was the day I realised I didn’t know how to prepare a simple

meal !”



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FreshKit details and filters every single meal with ingredients and traces of what you might not tolerate.


It is now easy to find meals fitting the diet of your choice (vegan, vegetarian, keto…)


Avoid food shopping and get everything delivered in a few clicks at your door whenever you decide.


You don’t have to commit yet, it can be on-demand. You can try it as many times as you want until you are sure of our services.

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You choose the menu of your choice to be delivered for the number of people of your choice whenever and wherever you decide.


FreshKit plans the exact amount of food you need so you won’t have to throw things to waste anymore. Because we also deal with the best suppliers, we then offer the best quality at the best price.


All our products are certified fresh and organic. We know where they come from and the whole process they went through from the production to your plate.


We love to surprise you with authentic and exotic meals. Our chefs are working accordingly to keep things exciting and trendy in your plate. You won’t be disappointed we promise !


FreshKit is very easy to use: first you select the meals you like from our menu, then you choose the most convenient delivery date. Your kit will be delivered at your door on the exact requested time. Now you just have to enjoy the cooking part !

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I started to revisit the whole architecture while analysing where would be the best place for the subdomain to be integrated within the existing website.


I decided to offer from the homepage the binary choice to either subscribe to a "classic" or a " more flexible" plan. When the more flexible "A la carte" option is selected, the user must be able to make a budget simulation for a certain amount of meals for the selected number of persons. The initial website was directly transferring the user to bank and delivery details before selecting meals; I kept it this way for coherence purposes.

The main work at this stage was to classify information and determine the number of pages required in order to create the best user experience and the right structure. Later on, further details have been added and paper prototypes went in consequent more accurate.


At this stage, the prototype has nearly reached what the final app looks like :


Here is a simulation of the experience encountered by a new user when subscribing to an "A la carte" plan. The below screens are showcasing the brand-new subdomain just developed and solving the problems enumerated in the initial brief :


The homepage offers a quick description of the website's purposes and displays a "JOIN US " button in order to invite the new user to subscribe to the service.

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FreshKit offers then two options, a fix "Weekly Plan" or the new flexible alternative "A la Carte Plan". By choosing the second option in this demonstration, the user is required to select the number of meals and persons for the future order.


The new user is then invited to enter his personal details such as email and home addresses, following by bank information.

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The new user is now all set and welcomed with a friendly message. It is time to choose meals from the menu.


The new flexible plan presents numerous filters. It is easy now to select different diets, kid-friendly meals or match any specific requirement.

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Once the wished filters are selected, the menu adapts and displays the meals that perfectly match the user needs.

When clicking on a meal, an information page opens and includes a description, a recipe, a preparation time, nutrition facts, ingredients used and their quantities, more suggested meals matching these preferences.

The user is able to make a selection of meals and add them to the cart.

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The cart page provides a summary of the order and suggests the user to choose a delivery date. By clicking on "Get delivered", the order is officially placed.


The order is placed and the user is thanked for it.

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When the amount of meals previously subscribed for is selected, a message appears and invites the user to open the cart.

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The box will be sent on the chosen date and the user notified on the delivery progress. Once FreshKit is received, it's time for creativity and fun while cooking and enjoying the meal !

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©2018 by DorianeLeRest.

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